Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge
You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!
Welcome to our six part video series on choosing the perfect electric bike. The purpose for this Video Series is to help you make an informed choice with the basic understanding needed for buying an E Bike, so that you are not misled.
There is a huge variation in quality and performance of E Bikes on the market today. In order to be able to buy a bike that fits your needs there is some basic terminology you need to understand. Armed with the information in this video series, you will be able to determine which bike is best for you.
In this video series we cover the topics below.
Everyone has different needs when selecting an electric bicycle. There are 5 key factors that will affect the brand and type of electric bike you need.
Depending on your riding needs you will need a different size electric bicycle motor, battery and frame design. How often you ride your electric bike will also determine the quality you need and ultimately the price you will need to pay.
As well as your weight and how it affects motor and battery choice as well as frame design.
The battery in an Ebike is like the gas tank in your car. Learn the new terminology of electric bike batteries and be able to compare batteries on different bikes. Batteries are the gas tanks of e bikes.
There are many types and sizes of electric bike motors. With e bikes, motors are rated in watts, rather than horsepower like car motors.
The EPA lists a standard MPG for cars, but there is no such standard for the e bike industry. Every manufacturer of e bikes can list what they want, without any testing.
When choosing an e bike look carefully at the range declared. Range varies greatly with speed ridden. It takes twice as much battery size to travel at 21 MPH as it does at 15MPH.
To determine the range that is declared for any e bike model, include the following factors:
It’s important to think about these factors before you buy so you won’t be misled.
In a conventional bike or race bicycle the factors for fitting are different than an electric bike.
In a conventional bike people size up for perfect leg power, light weight, and a forward position, all for maximum efficiency.
For an e bike this is not as critical because the choice is for comfort instead. What was true for conventional bikes is not true for e bikes, so choices instead are made for:
Men and Women often have very different needs in an electric bicycle. What is the perfect electric bike for the man, may be a terrible fit for the women. And not everyone needs the same amount of power.
Example: A 250 lb. person needs twice the power to go up a hill at the same speed as a 120 lb. person.
Someone with a delicate or bad knee, or difficult hip, needs more power than someone who is fit.
The ‘key’ is to see who you really are because one size doesn’t fit all – and then to find an e bike that matches to your needs for all factors involved.
We like building the best E-Bikes out there, this survey is quick and just asks you to rate how important various features are.