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Optibike News

E Biking the Hollywood Hills

I wanted to follow up with some comments on my initial experience with the Optibike Allroad electric bike.  I just checked the odometer and see that I have already logged 121 miles on this bike in just a few days. On most days I go out for a morning ride and then recharge the battery so that I can do an afternoon electric bicycle

As for my riding experience I can say enthusiastically that the Pioneer Allroad is nothing short of amazing. As a teen I loved riding bicycles, but I stopped abruptly after my parents bought my first motorcycle at age 14.  I eventually rode dirt bikes and motocross until I joined the Navy in 1973.

Now, at age 59 I am not in good enough shape to tackle the incredibly steep hills here in Hollywood. However, with the pedal assist, I am able to enjoy riding all of the hilly streets and alleys to my immense enjoyment.

I also like the fact that the Pioneer Allroad is so quiet! I have been biking on many trails in the area and this bike is so quiet that hikers have no idea it is motorized.  The sound emitted from his bike is reminiscent of the old fashioned bottle dynamo used to power headlights back in the day.

Jay S. CA

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes