Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge
You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!
Do you miss your bike riding days and the freedom it gives you?
E-Bikes open up cycling again at any age.
Imagine breaking into a smile as you begin a ride, then grinning large, then laughing out loud as you remember how great biking is.
Download our free Women’s Guide and see how you can open the opportunity to enjoy cycling again, and easily increase fitness.
In our free download we will cover these topics:
Because of the Bio Smooth movement of Optibike’s patented Motorized Bottom Bracket (MBB) you will be able to ride at high aerobic levels, in parallel with the motor, with virtually no hip or knee strain, therefore ride further, longer, and get in shape faster. And anyone can ride these bikes.
We like building the best E-Bikes out there, this survey is quick and just asks you to rate how important various features are.