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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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Free Women’s Guide to Electric Bikes

Do you miss your bike riding days and the freedom it gives you?

E-Bikes open up cycling again at any age.

Imagine breaking into a smile as you begin a ride, then grinning large, then laughing out loud as you remember how great biking is.

Download our free Women’s Guide and see how you can open the opportunity to enjoy cycling again, and easily increase fitness.

If you want a fun activity to stay physically fit, download our free Women’s Guide for enjoying and riding electric bikes

  • Have a long boring climb? Dial in some power and go!
  • Going downhill? Switch it off and fly!
  • Many options open up with exhilarating freedom and fun.

Why an electric bike? What’s the advantage for Women?

In our free download we will cover these topics:

  • It opens up cycling once again
  • With these bikes you create more fitness at any age
  • Experience thrilling, exhilarating adventures with a new recreational lifestyle
  • Go places you would never go before
  • Your metabolism will burn hotter and stronger, resulting in an easy 20 pounds (9 kg) thinner
  • You can go out with your partner and keep up with them
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Like riding on air!

Because of the Bio Smooth movement of Optibike’s patented Motorized Bottom Bracket (MBB) you will be able to ride at high aerobic levels, in parallel with the motor, with virtually no hip or knee strain, therefore ride further, longer, and get in shape faster. And anyone can ride these bikes.

Experience how you can use our Electric Bikes for epic mobility of multiple uses, including:

  • Fitness, Recreation and Adventure
  • Weight loss, radically improve your fitness level with comfort
  • Commuting, Errands
  • Bike Touring and Camping

Nothing can touch an Optibike. It's integrated from concept to creation, not just pieced together. It feels like a regular lightweight trail bike, easy and normal to ride, smooth, balanced and stable. It's exhilarating because I get to go places I never would before, it climbs hills like a Himalayan mountain goat, goes the distance, and is a great workout. Worth every penny. I've lost 20 pounds, I keep up with my husband, and I have to say the thrill doesn't go away, it's really fun.
