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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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Intended Use Guide

CategoryDescription of UseMaximum Rider Weight combined with Gear and CargoMaximum Cargo Weight
1Represents the use of Optibike riding on mainly paved surfaces. The ground contact of the tires can be lost unintentionally for a short time.Argon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestArgon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestArgon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestEssex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestRIOT, R17, R22, R22 Everest20lbs
2Represents the use of Optibike riding under the conditions of category 1, as well as on mostly paved and unpaved surfaces. The tires may briefly lose contact with the ground when riding over drops up to 15 cm (.75 inch) high.Argon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestArgon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestArgon, Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestEssex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestRIOT, R17, R22, R22 Everest20lbs
3Represents the use of Optibike riding under the conditions of categories 1 and 2, as well as on paved and rough unpaved surfaces by riders with advanced riding skills. The tires may lose contact with the ground. Occasional jumps of approx. 60 cm (24 inch) height are permitted and speeds up to 32 km/h (20 MPH) by riders. This application can cause damage to the bike and components in case of riding errors, which can also lead to injuries to the rider.Essex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestEssex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestEssex, RIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestRIOT, R17, R22, R22 EverestRIOT, R17, R225lbs
4Represents the use of Optibike riding under the conditions of categories 1, 2 and 3, as well as in very rough, blocked terrain with jumps using ramp landings up to approx. 120 cm (48 inch) height, and speeds up to 40 km/h (24 MPH) by riders with very good riding skills. Bike and components in this category must be checked for possible damage after each ride due to the high loads. A shortened product life time cannot be excluded.RIOT, R17, R22, R22ETRIOT, R17, R22NoneNoneNone5lbs
5Represents the use of Optibike riding under the conditions of categories 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as in extremely steep and rough terrain with very large jumps / drops, and speeds over 40 km/h (24 MPH) by riders with exceptionally good riding skills. Bike and components in this category may also be used in bike parks and on downhill tracks. Bike and components in this category must be checked for possible damage after each ride due to the high loads. A shortened product life time cannot be excluded.NoneNoneNoneNoneNone0lbs
Usage outside these guidelines voids warranty, and may result in damage to the bike and injury or death.