Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge
You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!
Patent Pending
(Images show pre-release prototype design, may have some changes for production)
With E-Bike laws that have a wide range of requirements, the Optibike MMI display allows you to comply with legal limits as you travel to your destination.
Bike paths may be Class 1, a dirt trail you take for a shortcut may allow OHV/Motorcycles, and bike lanes on the road may be Class 3. Instead of being limited to a slow 20 MPH Class 1 E-Bike like you would be traditionally, the MMI allows you to change your mode as you transition each type of bike path, trail, or road.
The MMI enables riders to comply with legal classifications wherever they ride. Built in features prevent riders from breaking laws.
The release of the Multi Mode Interface (MMI) marks another milestone for Optibike, which has been at the forefront of the electric bike industry for over 20 years. With this new technology, Optibike continues to lead the way in innovation and sustainability, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.
The new MMI display allows you to pick your E-Bike class, and provides law enforcement a way to verify that you have been riding in the correct mode.
(Images show pre-release prototype design, may have some changes for production)
The MMI lets you extensively customize your ride, and saves settings individually for 12 profiles in total.
You can change pedelec gain, responsiveness, speed limits, power output, torque, and more.
(Images show pre-release prototype design, may have some changes for production)
The MMI features a ride dashboard with all the important info about your trip.
Detailed battery level, range remaining, trip and odometer, max/avg speed, as well as a real-time efficiency gauge so you can optimize how you ride for the most range.
(Images show pre-release prototype design, may have some changes for production)
The MMI is available as an addon for our Elite Series models.
If you are interested in getting one with your bike, just give us a call at (303) 848-8380, or email us here.
You want to ride from your house to a E-MTB trail. The first 10 miles are on city streets and then 2 miles of dedicated bike paths. At the end of the E-MTB trail there is a fire road open to OHV motorcycles that you will ride on for 3 miles until you get back the road which will take you home.
On most bike lanes on city streets, a Class 3 E-Bike is legal (Pedelec & Throttle, 28MPH, 750 Watts). After turning on your bike, you select Class 3 on the MMI display. The bike is configured as a Class 3 E-bike. The time and distance in the Class 3 Mode is displayed. You ride the 10 miles until you reach the dedicated bike path.
Most dedicated bike paths in Cities allow Class 2 E-Bikes (Pedelec & Throttle, 20MPH, 750 Watts). At the entrance to the bike path, you turn the bike off and then back on and select Class 2 on the MMI Display. The time and distance in the Class 2 Mode is displayed. You ride the dedicated bike path until you reach the E-MTB trail.
Most E-MTB trails require a Class 1 E-Bike (Pedelec, 20MPH, 750 Watts). At the entrance to the trail, you turn the bike off and back on and select Class 1 on the MMI Display. The time and distance in the Class 1 Mode is displayed. You ride the E-MTB trail until your reach the OHV trail.
OHV trails allow motorcycles and there are no power or speed limits. There are over 180,000 miles of OHV trails in America.
At the entrance to the trail, you turn the bike off and back on and select Class 4 (Moto) on the MMI Display. The time and distance in the Class 4 (Moto) Mode is displayed. You ride the OHV trial until you reach the city street.
We like building the best E-Bikes out there, this survey is quick and just asks you to rate how important various features are.