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Optibike News

New Optibike Pioneer Allroad Electric Bike Announced

Optibike is very pleased to announce the new Optibike Pioneer Allroad. At $2,995, the Allroad is the perfect bike for getting started with an electric bike. The Allroad features a 500 watt Motorized BottPioneer-012_1920px_70om Bracket (Mid Drive) motor system that combines hill climbing and speed on the flats. The 37 volt, 10.5 amp-hr Quick Change Lithium battery gives great  range. The range can easily be DSC_3393_1920px_70extended by taking an extra battery in a rear pannier.

Watch the Pioneer Allroad Features Video here. The introduction of the Pioneer gives Optibike the widest range of electric bicycles  in the industry. People can start with the Pioneer and move all the way up to the famous R11 e bike. No other company offers this huge range of performance and price that Optibike does.DSC_3399-Edit_1920px_70

Optibike makes upgrading easy and cost free with  an exclusive double guarantee. (no one else does this)

A 90 Day Return Policy. We give you 90 days to ride your bike. If you don’t love it, send it back for a full refund.

Six Month Upgrade Option If during the first six months you find electric bikes are great (which most people do), and decide you need more performance, we give you a full credit on your original bike when you order another Optibike e-bike model.

Optibike’s double guarantee combined with the new Allroad, makes the decision to try an electric bicycle easy. Most people have not ridden an electric bicycle and do not know the benefits they can achieve with an electric bike.  Because it is hard to fully understand the capabilities of an electric bike in a 15 minute test ride, Optibike developed its double guarantee program. Now everyone can start riding an electric bike today, with absolutely no risk.

Buy the Allroad today and get started on Electric Bike adventures. To learn more about our full line of electric bikes, contact us today at 303-443-0932, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes