Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge
You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!
Since 2007, Optibike, based in Colorado, has been the premium designer and manufacturer of electric bikes in the world. Considered the Ferrari of electric bikes, Optibike has been featured on ESPN, The Today Show, Forbes, Business Week, USA Today, The New York Times & CNN due to its innovative design and technology. Optibike manufactures, assembles and conducts research to develop the next generation of electric bicycles in Colorado USA. Whether for weight loss, keeping fit, commuting, or for fun and adventure with friends, riding the Optibike will change your life.
Founder of Optibike and author of The Electric Bike Book, Jim Turner, a two-time Motocross National Champion began his engineering career, after graduating with an advanced degree from Stanford, as a design engineer in the Advanced Vehicle Controls Division at Ford Motor Company. Frustrated with the slow innovation in large corporate life, Jim was looking for something that would provide a positive impact on people’s lives. When he learned about electric bikes, he knew he had to be a part of this industry.
In 1998, Jim began developing the Optibike. After 9 years of trials and tribulations, the first Optibike was sold in 2007. Since then Optibikes have been sold in over 33 countries. Their reputation for performance and durability is unmatched in the industry. Optibike is a unique company where old world craftsmanship meets modern technology.
“I love that e-bikes are good for your health and the environment, with Optibike, I get a chance to directly impact the lives of others”
Jim Turner
We like building the best E-Bikes out there, this survey is quick and just asks you to rate how important various features are.