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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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“A masterpiece of engineering and functionality”

I just passed 400 miles on the R15 I picked up at the beginning of August. What a wonderful experience. Rode the hills and trails in Breckenridge, CO and the bike exceeded all expectations on both paved and trail rides. Upgrading from the R8HD I really did not expect much beyond improved battery life and perhaps more torque. Was I in for a surprise! The 3 mile climb from Tiger Rd to the the top of Estates included an elevation gain of 700 feet and the R15 ate the incline at level 3. At level 5 I could fly. Handling on the trails was the best I’ve ever experienced. Well balanced and stable on everything from gravel to hard pack.

Our next stop was Santa Fe, NM. The ride from downtown to 10,000 Waves was perfect. Tremendous elevation changes, tight roads and again the bike performed above and beyond. I seldom use more than level 3 but it is nice to have all the additional power available if needed.

Traveling next to Horseshoe Bay, TX and bike rides through the Hill Country of Texas. This is familiar terrain as we often visit there, and the comparisons between the old and new bike are amazing. Hills that before would tax both bike and rider were handled with ease, the longer battery life and fast recharging times are great improvements.

Back home in Dallas my rides around White Rock Lake are indeed a pleasure. I’ve bumped my regular ride from 18 to 27 miles and could easily handle more. This machine is the best. A masterpiece of engineering and functionality, truly a pleasure to own. My fitness level and weight have never been better, and much of that I attribute to benefit of Optibike ownership. Many thanks to you and your team!!