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Help Us Pass the Proposed 10% Electric Bike Credit- Receive a $1200 credit on an Optibike today as a Reward

By August 23, 2012January 16th, 2024No Comments

The Senate subcommittee has passed a proposal bill that will give a 10% tax credit for the purchase of an electric bike, up to $2,500. To get this bill through congress, we all need to write our congressman and urge that they vote for the bill.

The passage of this bill will support manufacturing and jobs  in the USA . Optibikes are designed and built in the USA.

Act Today: Write, call or email you Senators and Congressman today. Tell them you support the legislation for a 10% tax credit on electric bike purchases.

Receive a $1200 credit today on a new Optibike.  To support the legislation, we are offering a $1200 credit on the purchase of a new Optibike. To qualify, just write your Congressman and then give us a call. It’s that simple.  Call US at 303.443.0932 X 1

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes