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The Electric Bike Book

What To Look For In An E-Bike: Other Purchasing Considerations

There is a motorized bicycle revolution taking place around the world, and today, it is found in the form of the once ubiquitous electric bike. Hi-tech, environmentally friendly, and modern, electric bicycles have truly come of age in Western Europe and America, replacing the old electric-assist conversion kits many of us grew up with. The market is now filled with a variety of motorized bicycles for sale; from torque-assisted to throttle-assisted, from on-road to off-road, from the economical to luxury models. As a result, the purchasing decisions have become more complex. To assist with this, Optibike offers another post in a series based upon “The Electric Bike Book”. After sharing some initial purchasing considerations, and referencing where to buy your ebike, we want to leave you with a few other important factors worth scrutinizing before pulling out the credit card or checkbook.

Whether your electric bicycle is purchased through an independent dealer, a box store, e bikeonline or factory direct, the following is a partial list of questions you need to be asking yourself before making any purchasing decisions:

Consider your budget, cost allowances, and if any financing is available.

  • Modern e-bikes encompass a wide range of pricing options; from economical and simple conversion kits with hub-drives, to pedalecs, on up to mid-drive, throttle-assisted luxury models. There are many electric bikes for sale to fit any budget. Check into any available financing options, you might be surprised. Many factory direct dealers, such as Optibike, even offer deeply discounted refurbished models. Optibike is also the only one of its kind to offer the widest selection of bikes by performance and price. See our full list of e bikes here.

Factor in the ease of maintenance, and the availability of qualified ebike technicians near you.

  • With a big box retailer, or an online purchase, your service options may be limited. By purchasing through an independent dealer, or factory direct, you have access to their service departments. Optibike’s in-house electric bike service department works with owners and bike shops around the world if you are in need of service, parts or repairs.

Educate yourself about what sort of warranty is available on your ebike purchase.

And finally, take a good look at the e-bike technology behind the frame, suspension, wheels, brakes and other components making up the electric bike you’re interested in. They should be produced by known and trusted manufacturers. You should also take the time to research where your ebike is designed, manufactured, and its country or origin. Again, the old adage applies here, you get what you pay for. Be on the lookout for knockoff components. We want to wish you the best of luck in making your purchase, and enjoy the freedom that only electric bikes offer the rider.

Want to learn even more about the electric bike revolution? Jim Turner, President at Optibike, has authored an informative and entertaining look at the rapidly expanding world of electric bicycles. Get your free copy of the eBook today.


Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes