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Optibike News

March Trade In Month – Free T Shirt

March Trade In Month
March is Trade In Month at Optibike!  It is a perfect time to trade in your old two wheeled vehicle for a new Optibike Electric Bicycle. We are taking regular bicycles, e bikes, dirt bikes and motorcycles in trade. Receive a minimum of $1500.00 trade in on any R series Optibike.See below for more details and how to apply

Do you have an old motorcycle, bicycle that is gathering dust? This is your chance to easily trade it in for a new Optibike. Don’t hassle with selling it, just trade it in. Its simple and fast.

You can trade in any 2 wheel vehicle, including dirt bikes, motorcycles, regular bikes and under performing electric bikes toward the purchase of any new Optibike.

***Guaranteed Minimum $1500 Trade In For An R Series Optibike

*** All Trade Ins Accepted
Free Optibike T Shirt

Call Neal at 303.848.8381 to discuss your trade in and receive a free Optibike T shirt. Call soon, limited quantities  available.
George Couldn’t Make It Home Up The Hill – A Trade In Fixed The Problem

George C.  was enjoying his first ride on his hub motor E-Bike until he was half way up the hill to get home and noticed the rear hub motor was weighing him down and he slowed down to almost crawl. So, George got off his hub motor e-bike and walked it the rest of the way home.

A few days later, George received our two wheel bike trade in offer and immediately called to find out the details. We accepted his trade in and saved him further disappointment and frustration.

George has been loving his Pioneer Allroad ever since and never fails to make it home.

Call Neal today at 303-848-8381 to discuss how you can own an Optibike in 3 months.

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Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes