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Optibike News

Optibike Celebrates National Bike Month

By May 16, 2014May 16th, 2023No Comments

electric bike

May is National Bike Month. To Celebrate National Bike Month with Optibike, we encourage you to participate with us whether you are an Optibike owner or other e-bike owner:

1) Commuting For Two Weeks – Receive a  FREE $50 Amazon or I Tunes Gift Card. Limited to First 5 People

  •  Of course, it’s an easy choice to just grab your car keys and jump in your car to commute to and from work. For 2 weeks, we would love for you to ditch your car and jump on your Optibike or other electric bicycle  to commute to and from work.
  • After your two weeks of riding, write a short summary of your experience commuting and take a picture of you and your Optibike or other E-bike. Send your summary and photo no later than Friday May 30th  to our Electric Bike Solutions Consultant Neal Topper. On Friday June 6th, Neal will contact you to send your $50 gift card of your choice.

2) Two Week Weight Loss Challenge – Receive a FREE $50 Amazon or I Tunes Gift CardLimited to First 5 People

  • For two weeks join us at Optibike for a Two Week Weight Loss Challenge. The first thing to do is weigh yourself on Day #1 to have your starting point. For Day #1 – Day #14 journal your bike trips on your Optibike or other electric bike. Include each day: distance traveled, Top Speed, Hills, Flats, Pavement riding, Dirt trail riding, other terrain, and total weight loss after week #1 and total weight loss after week #2. Email Neal Topper with your 2 week summary and pic of you and your Optibike or E-bike no later than Friday May 30th. On Friday June 6th, Neal will contact you to send your $50 gift card of your choice.

3) Two Week Fun and Adventure Challenge- Receive a FREE $50 Amazon or I Tunes Gift CardLimited to First 5 People

  • Take at least 2 fun and adventure bike trips on your Optibike or other motorized bike and write a short summary of your experiences coasting down hill on off road trails, hitting up the off road trails on flat or up hills, exploring places you can’t get to otherwise. Email Neal Topper with your super cool fun and adventure story on your Optibike or other E-bike no later than Friday May 30th to receive your FREE gift from Optibike. On Friday June 6th, Neal will contact you to send your $50 gift card of your choice.

4) How Are You Contributing To A Cleaner Environment? Receive a FREE $50 Amazon or I Tunes Gift CardLimited to First 5 People

  • Write a 1 page summary of How You Are Contributing To A Cleaner Environment with your Optibike or other electric bicycle. Have you ditched your car altogether and only use an electric bike? Have you decreased your car trips? How much money are you saving on gas? How much time are you saving? How else are you reducing your carbon footprint? Email Neal Topper no later than Friday May 30th to receive your FREE gift from Optibike. On Friday June 6th, Neal will contact you to send your $50 gift card of your choice.

Join us as we celebrate National Bike Month! Looking for an e-bike or trade-up your old one? Click here to see a list of all the e-bikes we have to offer that will fit your budget and needs and contact us at 303-848-8381.

High Quality, Hand Built Electric Bicycles