I am writing to let you know how very pleased I remain with my Optibike R8HD that I have owned for several years and how I have not had to service it, nor have I pampered it.
Mileage on the bike is in the 5k range with the mileage being made up of both mountainous road and aggressive trail riding. My most common ride is from my house where I ride about 10 miles to the trail head then do about 20 miles on the dirt then come home. With all of this riding under difficult conditions the bike has been bullet proof. The only maintenance has been lubrication of the chain and cables and tire replacement. We have been avid mountain bike riders for over 35 years and we try to get in a ride every day schedules permitting. We have many friends that have bought various electrics and based on their experiences the Optibike remains the Gold Standard for electrics in this category…again, bullet proof. Thanks for making this wonderful technology available to us!