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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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Review: Beyond What I Ever Imagined

The bike is truly amazing and have just about gone through the current battery charge at around 35-40 miles so the 1st charge is quickly approaching. I have grown comfortable with the Rohlhoff and changing gears while backing off on the throttle. The bikes ability and torque are beyond what I ever imagined.  To have created and designed, then moved forward into production puts you at a similar level as Elon Musk.

To have designed something like this after being a motocross racer is just a lifetime achievement of absolute astonishment. You are a great inventor and entrepreneur, looking forward to getting that 2nd battery and rack/bag combo.

Thanks again from a very happy customer.