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Optibike Celebrates Earth Day 2014

By April 25, 2014May 20th, 2019No Comments

Optibike celebrates Earth Day 2014 in a number of ways. In fact, Optibike celebrates Earth Day every day. We reduce our carbon footprint everyday by commuting to and from work on our Optibikes instead of getting in our cars. A number of alarming facts and statistics from EVs Roll and the EPA wowed us. The 5 below stopped us in our tracks and made it a no brainer for us to commute to and from work on our Optibike electric bikes.

1) The average American adult breathes 3,000 gallons of air pollution a day. Children electric bikesbreathe even more air per pound of body weight and are more susceptible to air pollution

2) CO2 emissions from U.S. cars & trucks alone is about 1 million TONS per day.

3) Research by the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health shows that
kids in highly inner city areas are way more likely to be obese due to high pollution
levels from cars and trucks. Diesel buses and trucks are the worst.

4) According Government of Scotland data, up to 3,000 people die there from car
induced air pollution. This is in contrast to 190 killed per year in car crashes

5) About 80 people per DAY are killed in the USA from car induced air pollution

One more fact from Earth Share tells us a whopping 90 percent of short trips—such as those made running kids to school or going down the street for a gallon of milk—are made by car. Furthermore, only 31 percent of trips fewer than one mile are made by foot or bicycle. Optibike is committed to raising this percentage with the use of e-bikes.

The Optibike is great for the environment because electric bikes don’t pollute; electric bikes use 96.5% less raw materials than cars; electric bikes use space more efficiently with 20 Optibikes fitting in one parking spot.

Optibike suggests several ways to join us in celebrating Earth Day everyday not just one day a year.

1) Replace your light bulbs with energy star light bulbs. This simple step can reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds per year. Check out Energy Star for more information

2) Plant a tree. It’s estimated that three properly planted trees can reduce energy bills by as much as 30%. That’s both cooling and heating as trees are Mother Nature’s all in one air conditioner and heater. For more information visit

3) Celebrate Earth Day in your local area

4) Buy local and organic food. By some estimates our US grown produce travels up to 1500 miles before it reaches our neighborhood supermarket

5) Get on your Optibike e-bike to visit your local Farmer’s Market, go to your yoga class, drop your toddler off at pre school or visit friends and family.

Hope you enjoyed reading how Optibike is celebrating Earth Day 2014 every day! Share with us on Facebook how you celebrate Earth Day and what you do to reduce your carbon footprint.

High Quality, Hand Built Electric Bicycles