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Team Optibike dominates Boulder time trial.

Hey Fabian Cancellara, wanna race?

Some of you may recall the “electric bike scandal” where Mr. Cancellara was accused of using an electric assist to help him win the Paris-Roubaix.  There is no guessing whether Team Optibike uses performance inhancing electric motors- we are proud to design and build the Worlds Fastest Electric Bikes- and going head to head against the pros who race by our Boulder, CO factory is just plain fun.

Team Optibike went up against some top pro riders in the Boulder Time Trial Series on Wednesday June 30, 2010 and placed an impressive first and third. Not bad for our first race of the season.

Optibike is going to continue to enter this event over the next 3 weeks, trying out different combinations of equipment to see how the times change.

Here is how the bikes/riders were configured for the 6/30 race:

First place rider: Ryan Welsh, Optibike MBB Systems Engineer.

Time: 20:55  (average speed 28.97 mph)

Bike:  2008 Optibike 700 with a 2010 22ah 36v Lithium battery and 850 watt silver motor, 55 tooth front chain ring with standard 9 spd cassette (11-34), platform pedals, and standard street/running clothes.

Third Place Rider*: Kyle Hale, Optibike Production Manager.

No Lycra was used in the winning of this race.

No Lycra was used in the winning of this race.

Time: 22:25 (Average speed 27.03)

Bike: 2010 850R HD with clipless pedals, Marathon Plus tour tires, standard street clothes, 44 tooth front chain ring with Rohloff rear. Powered by external battery.

*about a mile into the race, Kyle was wondering why he was only going 20 mph.  It was then he noticed he was in “eco” mode.  We corrected the problem and finished in “fast” mode.  He promised to win next week.  We shall see…

Some info about the course:

Distance:  10.1 miles from Lyons to Boulder, CO on highway 36.

profilecgi2Elevation Profile for the race.

Stay tuned for next weeks bike configurations and race results!

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes


  • Isaac P. says:

    1) pump up tires to max pressure
    2) double check shock pressure, keep it as high as possible
    3) Use the Roloff hub! It is a little more sensitive, but essential for burning through turns or going through brush or dirt without pedaling! That way you can find the best gear quickly if pedaling becomes a hazard. Even if you get stuck in soft dirt or something you can instantly switch to low gear and instantly pop out!
    4) With the Rohloff hub, put the bike in 5th gear, stand up on the bike an lean forward when taking off from a stop at full throttle! This prevents the front tire from popping up and gives you a good head start as the bike sort of flies under you as you sit down.
    5) When you hit 30 mph, find a way to get a 15th gear for the Roholoff hub!

  • Dan says:

    Try setting the shocks to minimal travel and lock them out.
    Propedal, of course.
    Tires: thin will win.
    Bump up your voltage..fresh charge.