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Optibike News

Worlds fastest electric bicycle drives 44% sales increase.

May 18, 2009 Boulder, CO:   The American made Optibike 850Xli may look like a regular mountain bike, but stealthily mounted inside the bottom bracket is an electric motor capable of producing nearly twice the power of cycling champion Lance Armstrong.

The Optibike 850Xli is the invention of award winning electric bike designer Jim Turner who claims his latest bike is the worlds fastest production electric bicycle, “I designed the 850Xli to fit the needs of the American market- it is very fast, made with the highest quality racing components, and is powered by the largest, lightest, and most powerful battery offered in an electric bike- the 850Xli is the ultimate electric bike for the serious commuter or backcountry enthusiast.”

So far, Mr. Turners assessment of the market has proved right on- sales of his $9995.00 Optibike 850Xli have driven unit sales volume of his company up 44% so far in 2009. This, after a solid 230% volume increase in 2008.

“This year we have seen a dramatic shift in the demographics of our customers. Electric bikes are no longer only a niche market for enthusiasts- we sell Optibikes to people ranging from 22 to 80 years old, the biggest thing our customers have in common is the desire to have fun and get out and enjoy life,” says Optibike Marketing Director Craig Weakley.

One Optibike customer, Arnie Singal, sums up his experience: “With the Optibike, I can now do in my 70’s as much or more as I could do in my mid 30’s.”

Optibike LLC is a privately held Colorado based manufacturer of High Performance Electric Bikes that has been in business since 1997. Optibike proudly sources more than 95% of their custom made parts in the United States and distributes Worldwide. For more information visit:

For more information:

Craig Weakley

Marketing Director

Optibike LLC

Craig at

303.443.0932 x201

The Best Electric Bike in the World

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes