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Bike To Work Day And Optibike Electric Bikes

By June 27, 2014March 1st, 2022No Comments

Bike To Work Day in Boulder is always an exciting time for us at Optibike. It’s a little extra special of a commute to and from work compared to most other days I commute on my Optibike electric bike. It’s like a 2nd summer holiday with so many people on bikes having a fun groovy time, smiling and laughing, dancing to the music at breakfast locations and hoping to win prizes at the giveaways. What better way to celebrate summer right before the 4th of July Holiday, than to participate in Bike to Work Day.

My day started by waking up a bit earlier than usual so I could see as many bike to workelectric bike locations as possible from 6:30 am to 9:30 am….and who doesn’t love a FREE breakfast. I strategically mapped out my breakfast locations as I prepared to leave for the day. My 1st stop of the day was at Whole Foods started where I had delicious blueberry lemon pancakes with maple syrup. I ended with my 4th stop of the day at Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage, where I had excellent Chai tea and granola.

e-bikeThere were lots and lots of people on bikes, around 30,000 cyclists participated. It was fun seeing so many people of all ages on regular road bikes, mountain bikes, recumbents and electric bikes. So awesome to see more people open and willing even if it’s just one day to leave the car keys at home and jump on their bike to commute to and from work. There was even a few locations that had music playing, which made it fun to jam out a bit while eating breakfast at each stop along the way.

I really enjoy commuting to and from work whether it’s Bike To Work Day or any other day because it provides me a solid foundation to start my day with a good work out, high energy and sharp focus for a productive work day. I arrive to work energized, de-stressed and refreshed. At the same time, it is meaningful to me to reduce my carbon footprint and leave the car keys at home. I would rather stay fit, get some good exercise than sit in a car with traffic delays any day of the week. See my blog post about the benefits of owning an electric bicycle for transportation to see what I’m talking about.

Bike To Work Day is everyday for me at Optibike. Just too bad not everyday I can get FREE breakfast along the way. LOL! It’s all good!

Stay tuned to get more updates from the Optibike Electric Bike team and how owning an e-bike is the best investment in your transportation that you could make. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see why.






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