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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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By Jim Turner
Last night my family and I were invited to the Steve Winwood concert  in Denver. Steve’s manger, James has been an Optibike rider for many years and they provided us some great tickets in the center, just 8 rows back. Windwood Concert 11 20 12

The views and sound were great. After the show, we met up with James and Steve backstage and I gave them both Optibike shirts.

Jim and Jame Towler 11 20 12

James and Jim

Jim and Steve Windwood 11 20 12

Steve and Jim Turner Back stage

James received his Optibike as a birthday present from Steve and  uses it to commute the 16 miles to the studio each day with 2000 feet of climbing. Lots of days of rain and drizzle as it is England.  It sounds like a great area in the north west of England.

I found Steve and I had several points in common. Steve lives on a 1000 acre farm, though mine is only ten acres, and our kids are about the same age.

What we don’t have in common is musical ability. I have none, and Steve is incredibly versatile. My music is designing electric bikes! James was talking about how great a new 1100 would be.

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes