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Colorado Electric Bicycle Manufacturer Renews Partnership with Boulder Bike Share

PAONIA, COLORADO, US, April 18,2018 / — Colorado based Electric Bicycle Manufacturer, Optibike, announces the continuation of the 4 year partnership with Bike Share Program, Boulder BCycle for 2018.

Optibike and Boulder BCycle created the BEAST (Boulder B-cycle Electric-Assist Service Trailer) to solve the problem of re balancing the bikes from station to station.

ElectricBicycle BIke Share


With 43 stations and over 300 rental bikes, Boulder BCycle Bike Share has a huge task of re-balancing the stations as too many bikes get to one station. Prior to the Optibike and the BEAST, BCycle would use a pick up truck. The pickup truck was costly, increased traffic congestion and pollution and was difficult to maneuver in small city areas.

“We are proud to have Boulder BCycle Bike Share use Optibike Electric Bicycles to help them achieve their mission of reducing pollution and congestion with their bike sharing program.”
Jim Turner

The BCycle BEAST

Powerfull Electric Bicycle

The Optibike pulled Boulder BCycle BEAST loaded with bikes.

The powerful Optibike, assembled in the US, tows a large trailer carrying up to three Bike Share B-cycles at a time to allow environmentally-friendly distribution of bikes between downtown stations at peak times. It also provides the Boulder B-cycle team with transportation to events when truck access isn’t permitted, which is a huge benefit!

Optibike has been sponsoring this program since 2013, and in2018 the program will be back and bigger than ever! Look for the BEAST on Boulder streets from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

About Optibike:

Optibike is the oldest manufacturer of electric bicycles in America. Based in Colorado,Optibike has been producing electric bike since 2007. Sold in over 30 countries, Optibike is known for its high performance electric bikes that lead the industry in style and performance.

About Boulder BCycle:

Boulder B-cycle is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to implementing and operating a community-supported bike-share program that provides Boulder’s residents, commuters and visitors with an environmentally friendly, financially sustainable, and affordable transportation option that’s ideal for short trips resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled, less pollution and congestion, more personal mobility and better health and wellness.

James Turner
Optibike LLC
email us here

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Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes