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R Series Of Smart Electric Bicycles

By October 17, 2018October 21st, 2018No Comments

Optibike is one of America’s most reliable electric bike suppliers as it creates the most updated versions of electric bikes. Some people may think that the price of the electric bikes are extremely high. However that is only the case because Optibike assembles their electric bikes by hand in the USA. Every part and function of the electric bike is super smooth and functional. Moreover, the company has three series from which potential customers can choose from. The most expensive series with the most up-to-date high quality features is the Elite Series.

The Elite Series R8 Bikes

The R8 is one of the most high functioning and top models of the company and the Elite series. All other E Bikes are measured against the standard set by the R8. The R8 series has one of the largest batteries, a 29Ah Lithium battery and an additional Touring Battery which doubles the range to over 100 miles. This larger battery gives the R8 bikes the ability to travel for miles while carrying heavy riders. The R8 electric bike includes the patented Motorized Bottom Bracket which helps the bike to move smoothly and climb any hills. The Avid Hydraulic Brakes and Fox Suspension is what makes riding these bikes as comfortable and safe as it can.

Helia R for Women

Since women make up at least 20% of Optibike’s riders, the company produced Helia R just for women. This R8 electric bike for women has all of the features of the usual R8 electric bike for better riding. However, Helia R has more features to make it comfortable and convenient for women.

High Quality, Hand Built Electric Bicycles