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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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FitnessHealthR-SeriesWeight loss

You lost how much? Wow.

Wow. We just got this report from one of our customers, Bob.

Way to go Bob!!


On January 19, 2011, I weighed in at Dr. S’s office at 270 pounds fully clothed. I was on a list of medications for high blood pressure and diabetes. I had finally weened myself off of prescription pain medication for back pain at that time. I had a shiny new Optibike and had started forming a great support team (you guys!) Even with all the medication, my blood pressure that day was 146/86. My resting heart rate was 70. Dr. S gave me a goal to lose 40 pounds or more in the next 12 months.

On February 22, 2012, I weighed in at Dr. S’s office at 189 pounds fully clothed. My blood pressure was 126/82 with no medication. My resting heart rate was 52. I had lost 81 pounds in 13 months. For at least six months, I have been off all medications for high blood pressure and diabetes. Last year, Dr. S announced to me that I was no longer diabetic.

bob b optibike after

Optibike Owner Bob B, after 1 year of a "lifestyle adjustment"

I had some challenges, mostly related to hemorrhoids, which had been aggravated by being in such bad shape and my initial attempts at riding the bike. After three rounds of banding that did not successfully take care of the problems, I scheduled surgery just before Thanksgiving in my quest to become, as John R. reminded me, a “perfect asshole.” The past few months have been a struggle, with a longer recovery than I anticipated and very little exercise (not a good formula for weight loss.) Prior to that surgery in November, I had lost 87 pounds but my body seemed to be giving me some signals that it was not 100% on board with all of this. My blood pressure was 90/60. My resting heart rate was 41. I was cold just about all the time. Both Dr. Roddy and Dr. S expressed concerned and asked me to stop losing weight for a while to allow my body to “re-equillibrate.” Talk about a shock! No doctor had ever asked me to STOP losing weight even for a short period of time.

My lowest weight at Dr. S’s office had been 178 pounds, so I am now 11 pounds over my low. I am back on the treadmill desk as I am typing this (and have been all week.) Amazingly, the “re-equillibration” plus a few pounds has helped me feel better temporarily. I am no longer cold all the time, but I am not sweating all the time from being so overweight. I actually feel great, although I have a lot of work to do to get stronger and more fit. Dang it, but it seems once again that the doctors were right. I guess they do seem to know more about health than I do.

I would like to pause here to say that I really am disappointed that I gained 11 pounds over the past 3 months. Ideally, I should have stayed at the same weight to re-equillibrate. The surgery was a setback, but I know that is no excuse and I could have done better. Frankly, gaining some weight back is a motivator to remind me how important it is to pay attention to my health every day.

Now that I am finally recovered from my surgery and my “re-equillibration” time is over, I am determined to do as Dr. S recommends… slowly lose 15 pounds over the next 6 months primarily through developing muscle and more exercise. I am looking forward to spending more time with Coach Traci, Laura, and Jeremy, all of whom have helped me get to this point. Lisa and I leave on Sunday for a week in Miami with her family. I plan on increasing my exercise each day in Florida. I then head to New Albany until March 21. When I return to San Diego, I think I should be ready to enjoy the Optibike again. I will start with short rides again to make sure my rear end can handle it, but I am excited about getting to spend more time on the bike.

As with any journey, there have been challenges so far. Frankly, I think maintaining weight loss might be a bigger challenge than losing it in the first place. In an odd way, I kind of like that it might be a bigger challenge. It seems that the bigger obstacles make positive results even sweeter.

Looking back over the past 13 months, I am proud of the results. It would have been far more difficult to achieve the results without the support of each of you on this email. My hope is that every future year write this update that I will be 179 pounds or under. If my body will tolerate it, maybe I will feel better at an even lower weight long term. The journey will continue. I hope you will continue to follow me and support me in the process.

Thank you for caring enough to support me. I am honored and blessed to have each one of you in my life.Love, hugs, and kisses,

Moe – Still Going Low

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes