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Optibike NewsBlogs by Optibike Team

Optibike to host 2012 Community Cycles Kids Holiday Bike Giveaway

By November 13, 2012January 16th, 2024No Comments

“We are thrilled to host this truly amazing event at Optibike this year.”

December 16, 2012, 9a.m. ā€“ 1p.m.
3200 28th Street Boulder, Colorado

It’s a community event from beginning to end!

Throughout the year, Community Cycles takes in 100s of kids’ bikes. Each fall, dozens of volunteer mechanics donate their time to our “work nights” to get bikes ready for the December event.

Local businesses donate the venue, provide snacks and beverages for our volunteers or refreshments for the families that come to the event. Other businesses donate employee community service hours or give matching funds as part of workplace giving.

A hundred volunteers come together on the day of the event to distribute 300 – 400 bikes.
That’s a whole lot of smiles!

How YOU can help

Donate kids’ bikes: Spread the word!
Each year we give away about 300 bikes, all of which were donated to Community Cycles by our community. If you have unused bikes, please drop them off at our shop during open hours. We appreciate your donation (no later than the weekend) before the event, please.

Sponsor a child for as little as $25
When you sponsor a child’s bike, you contribute towards the necessary fees to clean up, repair and replace parts, and make a bike safe for a child to ride it away. Suggested minimum donation: $100 (and you can always give more!). Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Send your donation directly to Community Cycles.

Sponsor Happy Holidays for a Family $100
Sponsor a family! Create happy smiles all around! Your contribution provides a bike for each child in a family. On average, families who attend the event have 3-5 children. Suggested minimum donation: $100 (and you can always give more!). Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Send your donation directly to Community Cycles.

Join the movement: Become a CC Member
Join Community Cycles. Our tiered membership rates make membership accessible to people of all ages and income levels. Your contribution helps us continue to offer our programs free of charge to those who need them. Without your support, we simply cannot meet our goals to get more people on bikes, riding safely, able to maintain and repair their own bike. Help us promote the sustainable use of bikes for transportation. Your contributions to Community Cycles are 100% tax deductible. (Thank you!)

Volunteer Your Time!: Spread the Joy of Cycling!
We have many volunteer options available. Anyone (everyone!) can help regardless of bike mechanic experience. Bring a friend, your family, ckers, your sweetie! We have options for the skill level at which you’re comfortable ā€“ signup for a volunteer shift. Together, we make this a fun and rewarding experience for you, for us and for 100s of children in our community. The families in our community will truly appreciate any time you can share.

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes