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Check Out the 2025 Optibike Weight Loss Transformation Challenge

You can use an E-Bike to easily lose weight with no extra time needed!

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What design elements go into a Womens Specific Optibike?

In the next 2 weeks, the first Womens Specific Optibike Electric bike will be available for delivery.  What makes the womens bike good- for women?

1)  Lightweight.  The Optibike Helia is specifically designed to be as light as possible.

  • Air filled suspension. The front and rear suspension are filled with air, not heavy oil giving Optibike riding ladies all the comfort and performance of full suspension without the weight.
  • Carbon Fiber handlebars. These handlebars are not only stylish, but also featherlight and ready to absorb any vibration that makes it up from the road and threatens to make your hands go numb on long rides.  Carbon bars are both light, and vibration absorbent.
  • Lithium ion battery. Lithium Cobalt batteries have the most energy for the weight.  This is commonly referred to as “energy density” and with an electric bicycle, having as little weight as possible is essential to what we like to call your “enjoyment factor.”

2)  Designed to fit, perfectly.

  • The Optibike Helia, like all other Optibikes is built to order and built to fit your body.  We will have to break from tradition and ask you your weight (gasp!!), also your height, length of your arms, inseam length, and how you like to sit on the bike (more upright, or bent over.)  The Optibike is the only electric bike that offers free custom fitting and guarantees the results.
  • Womens Handlebars are more narrow than mens bars.  This is because womens torso lengths tend to be shorter, so the narrower bars keep you from feeling like you are too overextended.
  • Womens seat.  Do not let anyone tell you a womens seat is the same as a mans.  There are some logistics associated with bike seats in order to make sure whover is sitting on it can still feel what they are sitting on after 20 minutes.

3)  Solid.  Safe.  Reliable.

  • The Optibike Helia has the same hydraulic disk brakes that professional riders use.  Pro’s use them because they work equally well when they are wet, muddy, hot, cold, etc.  You will feel the difference and have confidence that your hydraulic disk brakes will work perfectly, everytime.
  • The lithium battery is covered by a 3 year/30,000 mile warranty- the longest warranty offered for an electric bike battery.  The frame is warrantied for life, and the rest of the bike warrantied for a full year.
  • The Optibike Helia uses all standard high end bicycle parts so service is easy, when maintenance time comes due.  The oil cooled motor is sealed so you do not have to do anything to maintain it.

4)  The fun stuff.

  • Your choice of 4 colors.  Red, blue, silver, and of course Pink with a custom painted flower pattern.
  • Breast Cancer awareness black leather seat.  A portion of your purchase goes toward finding a cure.

Jim Turner is the Inventor and Founder of Optibike Electric Bikes